Willkomen bei meine Hause

Hello World! This website is currently under construction, but I hope it will serve as a wonderful resource for anyone curious about psychic vampirism! I plan to primarily provide essays to help the seeker understand what psychic vampirism is, what it is not, and how it works in order to facilitate understanding as well as better outcomes for those involved.

An important distinction is that the term "psychic vampire" tends to get used to cover a few different phenomenon, and this alone creates a great deal of confusion. On top of that, there are multiple ideas and traditions involving vampirism, which can make it more difficult for a person who just wants to understand their situation.

First, a psychic vampire can be:

This website will be about, and for, the latter definition of psychic vampire. I don't attempt to be an expert, but I want to share my own thoughts and experiences with others who might benefit thereby. Also, we tend to like talking at people and I feel a personal website is the healthiest way to manage that instead of block of text posts on social media. Why not? You're here to read, and I have lots of words.
For you vampires, mind that I am coming from an energy based approach, as well as an eclectic and autodidactic history in magick and Witchcraft. I tend towards the polytheist, and animist, but I do not follow the norms as those go.